Thanksgiving: Aftermath or Opportunity? Creative Recipe Ideas for Leftovers
21 Nov 2017, by Event Ideas inLike most of the population, we bet you’ve got a pile of delicious leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner! Whether you’ve been given left overs on your way out the door from dinner, or if you were the gracious host left with lots of food to deal with now – we’ve got some ideas to help stretch the delicious flavors of Thanksgiving out just that little bit further. If you’re ready for a flavor revival with a twist, dare to read the recipe ideas below!

With a turkey this big, there’s bound to be leftovers!
Turkey soup: Throw the turkey carcass into a pot and boil up a delicious Turkey soup with vegetables and shredded turkey meat. Try this recipe on for size.
Pasta master: There’s nothing like digging into a fresh bowl of pasta. Put a twist on it this time by keeping it simple. Just boil some quality pasta al dente, then mix in some shredded turkey meat, shaved truffle and parmesan.
Salad heaven: Left over salad? Freshen that salad up with some sliced pear and truffle oil to add a punch of flavor, crunch, and freshness.

Potato Pancakes are easy to make.
Potato pancakes: You can easily make potato pancakes from the mashed potato left over from the day before. Try with different sauces, and even leftover gravy instead of marinara sauce.
Grilled sandwiches: Grab that turkey meat again and prepare sandwiches for lunch! Slice in some brie, shaved truffle, and even a dash of apple butter to create a masterpiece no one expected!
Stuffing: Did you sprinkle a little truffle into your stuffing this year? If you’ve got some leftover stuffing, don’t let those delicious flavors go to waste. Make small balls, batter in bread crumbs, and fry up for a delicious snack for when guests drop by the next day. Try gravy or cheese fondue for sauce and you’ll be in heaven.
Pot pie: The go-to for leftovers can’t be ignored. Try a pot pie for all that turkey meat and you can’t go wrong. Mix a sprinkle of truffle into the pie to add a varied flavor.
Breakfast sensation: Refresh left over bread by popping it onto the toaster. Top with some mashed avocado, poached egg, and a shaving of truffle for a gourmet breakfast like no other.
Pasta bake: Boil up some pasta, take out a casserole dish, and pop your leftover vegetables and turkey meat inside. Cover with some cheese and a sprinkling of truffle and you’ve got yourself a delicious meal with no wastage. Try this recipe for inspiration, just add truffle.
Dip: All you need is a blender and your roasted sweet potatoes, a can of white beans, olive oil, parmesan and a drizzle of truffle oil to pull off a day-after-dip that is sure to impress. Blend all ingredients until smooth and dip in toast or crackers.
If you’re feeling a little creative post your traditional Turkey Day meal, get your hands on some truffles or truffle products now. Visit the Susan Alexander truffle shop here.

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